Sunday, March 2, 2008

Good day

Church was just really awesome today.  Scott and I visited a new church while the girls were at church with friends.  It was the first time in a long time the we both really enjoyed church together.  Worship was awesome - the people were so welcoming - the message was challenging.  It was such a gift from God.

Our God is such an incredible God!  I can't imagine someone going through the loss of someone they love without the knowledge that they are now in Heaven worshipping a great and glorious God!  Throughout this whole process - I have never gotten mad at God - although I know that He would understand.  I have questioned Him - definitely, but I realize that that, too is OK.  Even Jesus, on the cross, questioned God by asking, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"  Even in my questioning, I know that I may never have an answer that will satisfy my earthly heart and mind, but I DO know that the God I serve is bigger than any hurt or question I may have - and in that, I find peace.

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