Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to school

It's that time of year again...the start of a new school year!  I love this time of year!  I need someone to give structure to my life.  As much as I love summertime and sleeping in and just being plain lazy, I am ready for a schedule.  

This new year means that not only do I get a new group of kids and parents to minister to but my children are a year older.  Kori Kate will be in the 3rd grade!  It just amazes me at how quickly she is growing and changing.  She'll always be my baby, but to look at her...she's a girl...a beautiful, sweet, smart little girl.

And Bailey?  Well, this year brings another blessing in that I get to have Bailey in my class since she will be in the 5th grade!  Her last year in elementary school!  It blows my mind!  She's like a little adult - very smart and observant, such a good friend, wise beyond her years, yet still a silly little girl who loves to play and giggle with the best!

I pray that God will equip me to equip these children and that He will grow my girls into strong women who long to be close to Him!