I want to honor her by living life the way she did - of course, nobody can live life the she did - I've never met anyone with a more positive outlook on life than her. If I can have just half of that, I think I will make her proud.
I've never felt so close to her and so far away as I do now. Every part of my day is filled with thoughts of her. I want to pick up the phone and call her about 1000 times a day - maybe a few more! It's weird - there are so many things I want to tell her - little things, funny things, insignificant things - but to tell anyone else just doesn't even sound appealing. I would never get the kind of response from anyone else as I would her. She would totally understand just where I was coming from and we would end up laughing. She could take even the gloomiest day and laugh about something! What a gift! I wish I could laugh like she did. She didn't just chuckle - she laughed hard and loud about everything! I can hear her now!
I am so thankful to God for giving me this once-in-a-lifetime friendship!
Anyone reading this - I encourage you to invest in people. Stop working so hard, and spend time with those closest to you. Tell your friends and family just how much you love them and why they are important to you. Find that friend that encourages you and lifts you up - and do the same for them! Life is precious and short! Live more....Laugh more...and Love more....